Project Updates

What is Build Fairfield Bay Doing?


1. Pickleball-Only Courts

People like you are donating through Build Fairfield Bay to turn this empty field near the Cool Pool and Tennis Center into new pickleball-only courts.  According to The Economist in January 2021, “Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America” and Fairfield Bay has been part of the growth.  Due to the demand, several tennis courts in the Tennis Center had pickleball court stripes added to allow both tennis and pickleball to be played on the same court, as shown.

For a few years, several community members and leaders have worked to receive a grant to allow the construction of pickleball-only courts.  The courts will provide a location designed specifically for pickleball for the community members and guests that play this growing sport and would open opportunities to host pickleball tournaments in Fairfield Bay, bringing more visitors to see this wonderful area.  The grant applications were successful after several tries, however, the amount received did not cover everything, such as lights.  The new courts are expected to be constructed in 2024.  Build Fairfield Bay provides an opportunity for people willing to help complete this new community amenity to donate toward covering the cost while qualifying for a tax deduction.  Several generous donations have been made, though more are needed, and we’re getting closer to the reality of using these new courts.



2. Improving Organic Community Gardens

Another project that Build Fairfield Bay has been able to work on is sending grant requests that would help build out the organic community garden beds near the Recycling Center.   The Fairfield Bay Organic Community Garden Association approached Build Fairfield Bay, as a 501(c)(3), asking that it be used to make grant requests to help find funds to be used for improvements to the new organic garden beds being constructed.  The garden beds are made available to members of the community who will do a lot of the work on the improvements.  Additionally, gardeners commit to donating some of the fresh organic produce from their garden beds to local food banks to help provide enhanced nutrition to this part of rural Arkansas.  No Build Fairfield Bay donations are being used for the community gardens, only administrative assistance at this time.

Our History

The Build Fairfield Bay, Inc. charitable organization is part of a long heritage of volunteers working together to help the Fairfield Bay community grow.  The original name of the organization was Fairfield Bay Log Cabin Museum, Inc., founded in the 1990’s to operate a nonprofit museum and to generate and increase interest in cultural and educational activities and it was approved as a 501(c)(3).  Over time, the museum became part of the Fairfield Bay Resort & Community and the needs changed.  As a result, the charitable organization was renamed to the Fairfield Bay Community Foundation to better reflect the work being done.  

Later, the Fairfield Bay Community Fund started and took over much of what the Fairfield Bay Community Foundation had been doing so the Foundation became dormant.  The organization was kept in place officially for potential future use but was not involved in any projects.  In late 2021, the group who had been working for several years to bring new pickleball-only courts to Fairfield Bay asked to look into the possibility of using the charitable organization to help raise funds for the pickleball courts as well as other community projects in the future.  After some research and paperwork, Build Fairfield Bay, Inc. became the official name and was approved to collect donations as of December 2021.  It is currently managed and staffed by volunteers wanting to continue the work of our predecessors and to Build Fairfield Bay.